Namanga Sanitation Project
Estimated cost {KES) Million 1005
SN: 1
Kajiado County
Olooloitikosh Dam Water Supply and Sanitation
Estimated cost {KES) Million 14,167
SN: 2
Kajiado County
Ngong and Ong'ata Rongai and Mavoko Sewerage Project
Estimated cost (KES) Million 9138
SN: 3
Kajiado county
SN: 3
Machakos county
Mwania Dam Water Supply Project
Estimated cost (KES) Million 7800
Kiambere Mwingi Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Estimated cost (KES) Million 1700
Kitui County
Augmentation and Rehabilitation of Nol- Turesh Bulk Water Supply Project
Estimated cost (KES) Million 6500
SN: 6
Kajiado county
SN: 6
Makueni County
Ndarugu I Dam and Water Supply Project
Estimated cost {KES) Million 35,600
SN: 7
Machakos County
Kindaruma-Kiomo-Mwingi Water Supply Project
Estimated cost {KES) Million 6500
SN: 8
Kitui County